Whew! After that long-winded title, I better not disappoint with this one! We had a Mexican themed lunch today at work. I wanted to do a dessert that fit the theme, yet still allow my usual creativity. Ever since I ordered this Wilton pan from Sur La Table a few weeks ago, I’ve been anxiously awaiting the perfect opportunity to test it out. More about the pan in a second. First, let me reel you in.
Mmhmm. Little cakes soaked in three milks. Rich, fluffy spiced chocolate mousse pocketed inside. And what’s that on the bottom there? Oh, you know, just a sturdy base of semisweet chocolate. Okay – back to the pan.
I bought this pan for $10.95 and could not be more excited about it. It is perfect for so many creations. Want to make cookies or brownies and top them with a scoop of ice cream? This is your pan. Strawberry shortcake? The pan above is waiting for you. Individual cheesecakes? Give this guy a try. I think you get my point. 🙂
Once the cake batter is ready to go, fill each cup about 2/3 full and baked them ’til light golden brown. Let ‘em cool for about 5-10 minutes, remove, and repeat. If you don’t have this pan (yet), just make cupcakes!
Here’s where the fun really starts. Turn the cakes (or cupcakes) upside down, and spread with melted semisweet chocolate.
Once the chocolate is set, whisk together your three milks, pierce each cake with a fork multiple times, and slowly pour the milk mixture into the cakes. I place the cakes in a cake pan so the excess milk mixture doesn’t dribble all over the counter. 🙂
Then, and this is perhaps my favorite part, whip up your spiced chocolate mousse. Dollop the top of each cake with the mousse.
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